Ultima modifica: 29 October 2024
- General dispositions
- Consultants and collaborators
- Bandi di concorso e di gara
- Controlled entities
- Activities and procedures
- Measures
- Measures of political bodies
- Grants and agreements
- Concessions and public private paternity
- Year 2022 and formers
- Single procedures information
- Planning of works, services and supplies
- Transparency in stakeholders’ participation and public dissertations
- Pre-information notices
- Approval of acquisition
- Notifications and calls
- Negotiated procedures art. 48 co. 3 D.L. 77/2021
- Evaluation committee
- Procedure results notices
- D.I. 76 valid until 30/6/2023
- Call committee reports
- Equal opportunities
- Contracts
- Technical consultive committees
- Executive step
- Report of contracts financial management
- Direct award of works, services and supplies
- In-house awards
- Official lists of economical operators
- Public investments projects
- Grants, financial contributions and economic benefits
- Budget
- Real estate and property management
- Administration controls and surveys
- Administration payment
- Other contents
PBL Corporate ❭ Amministrazione Trasparente ❭ Disposizioni generali ❭ Organizzazione ❭ Articolazione degli uffici